Welcome to the Internet home of Alex Annesty. The main purpose of this site is to introduce my work and provide links to other areas and sites, where you can see examples of my writing and find out more about what I do.
I write poetry, prose, sketches and music. My main project at the moment is a humorous science fiction novel,
"Colin goes to Zobeland". Although this is a work in progress, I upload revised drafts of it, each time I
complete a section or chapter. "Colin goes to Zobeland" has its own web site and you can read the latest
draft there:
The Colin goes to Zobeland site also includes background information and a blog relating to the novel and my other writing projects.
I also write on the Web under the user name 'ukebloke'; typing that name into a search engine is quite a good way of finding most of my contributions. Some specific sites I have a reasonably regular presence on are listed in my about page.
If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with me via my contact page.
Thanks for visiting,